
Phan’s Academy of Tae Kwon-Do
34511 Utica Rd. Fraser, MI 48026
Tae Kwon-do has a huge number of advantages, you will build muscle and get a cardio workout every class, another advantage is that it is even more protective against muscle deterioration. That is to say that you can perform this kind of cardio and burn a lot of calories without worrying that you’ll lose much muscle. This is because you’re engaging even more of your fast twitch muscle fibers and you’re driving blood and metabolites to your muscles where they will stimulate growth.
At the same time, that increase in growth hormone and testosterone (triggered by the breakdown of muscle) will mean an improved level of fat burning and muscle building. Anabolic hormones such as
these don’t only encourage the body to build muscle but also to burn fat – which is why steroid users look so incredibly lean as well as being incredibly strong. Of course, steroids also have a ton of very serious side effects, so this is a way that we can get the same kind of anabolic results without the dangers associated with them.
Building muscle at the same time as burning fat will help you to create a much superior physique too and this is something that a lot of people don’t realize. If you’re unhappy with your current physique right now and you want to look more attractive in and out of your clothes, then simply losing weight will make you either look very skinny or potentially even flabby if you have lots of loose skin left over.
Want to get rid of cellulite? Losing weight won’t do it. The only way to get rid of it is to tone up your legs, buttocks or whatever the offending area may be. Want to get a flat stomach? Far from burning fat, the best way to do this is actually to strengthen the ‘transverse abdominis’ – the muscle that wraps around your mid-section and that is responsible for keeping your organs and your gut ‘pulled in’. The best example of all? Kicks!